Sahifa Madhar is an expert in urban real estate, serving clients in Queens and Long Island. Whether you want to buy a home, sell your current residence, or stay in a rental for a little longer, Sahifa has the knowledge you need to be successful in the real estate market. Sahifa’s personalized approach contributes to both her and her clients’ successes. By taking the time to understand her clients’ needs, wants, and goals, she effortlessly guides them to properties that not only meet their needs but exceed their expectations. Sahifa cares about what’s happening in the community. She pays close attention to the local real estate market, ensuring that her clients are the first to know when interest rates decrease, when a perfect property becomes available, or any other piece of must-know real estate information. When you partner with Sahifa Madhar, rest assured that your real estate transaction will proceed smoothly. Connect with her today to make your real estate goals happen!




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